SO as I gratefully landed from my second trip to an Ayurvedic health clinic in southeastern India, and ended up feet first, in a pandemic.

Like a lot of us who have never lived through anything like this, it tipped me over for a bit.

While being tipped, I have thought long and hard about the health principals that truly matter to me in this unprecedented time.

During this “global giant pause”, our health and how to keep it, is the news 24/7.

And what I have found is my beliefs that support health & wellbeing, are still the same, and this experience has cemented them deeper.

Here are my musings from this time, maybe some will give you some relief.

1. The top priority right now, and always is, to strengthen your immune system. Unfortunately sometimes in the Western world, the focus on health tends to work at “fixing what is wrong”, as opposed to looking at underlying issues that could balance and drive the healthiest we can be.

Or I need to “look healthy” or I can’t “be healthy”. If your immune system is strong, your body may resist Covid 19, and other illnesses, even if you are exposed to them.
How does one strengthen the immune system?
The basics are: good rest, proper food, water, moving, and limited stress.
In these past two months, some were surprised by my suggestion that if you were getting relief from donuts and wine – keep at it. The truth is, the mind, body & spirit were stretched to extremes with Covid 19, and comfort and safety of mind and body looked different.

Do not underestimate your state of mind as a health practice. I know you all have had your own personal Covid story. My point is – the entire body and how each of “gets healthy” is a windy road.

2. What I believe around this, and what I have always believed …is that the key to health is a personal one. And awareness of self is step one. You cannot sustainably change a weight issue if you are not conscious of what you eat. If drinking water becomes an after thought your body is not nourished, and your ability to function at your best self is compromised.

3. Balance in all things. No this is not some boring statement about how you should live a perfect life and doing everything in some prescribed way. To me balance is understanding the needs of my body. How much sleep works? What foods give me energy, but d on’t take away energy? How do I get fulfilled, and what work gives me pleasure? Do I have enough friends that love me ?

2 Cents:

Look around and notice what is working right now? More calls to family/friends? Snail mail? Walking outside more? Sleeping differently? Support systems? Practicing a hobby or art that brings you pleasure? Cooking? Just day dreaming more? Online training? Home delivery of food? Less driving?

This “giant pause” as some are calling it, could be a time to re-access everything & prioritize in a new way. I support you taking the things that work into your next chapter.

We are living through history and each one of us has been changed by it. Some of it deep and profound change, and other change a sense of awareness of our own personal struggles and challenges, and perhaps even of those around us.

Take some time to reflect, perhaps write about it or have conversations with good friends or people.

What does your health mean to you now, in this place at this time?

I am now training people online – using Zoom. Call to chat about it – 1-508-237-6560.