It’s a good bet that the pandemic derailed your fitness regimen—and goals. Perhaps you should take comfort in the fact that you are by no means alone. Masking up/ hunkering down for months on end was very difficult and disruptive for the majority of us.

Doctors now report seeing numbers of their patients whose conditions and symptoms have shifted in unhealthy directions. In many cases. it’s because their fitness dropped way off during the past year or so. No guilt here! This year has changed us all. For some, it completely pushed us to the edge mentally, with “wellness” becoming redefined as cupcakes or bourbon or Netflix marathons.

No Victory Dance yet, but take heart! We are mostly on the other side of Covid-19. Now’s the time for a fresh start for you and that body you walk around in. So, onward …

Hints for Getting Back on Track

Hesitancy is normal right now after such a scare. Here are some hints for “re-entering” life as we knew it before Covid times:

  1. To start, just face up to how you are doing, an honest assessment. New dress size? Panting going up the stairs? Feeling like hiding in a closet more often than not? Sporting the dreaded Covid 15? That’s okay. You are alive—the ultimate grand prize! And now you can start to re-claim your body. It misses you. My advice is: Start where you are.
  2. Gather your people. Even if at first it’s just one friend. Reach out, let others know what you’ve been doing and what you might need. Drive to the gym if it means you’ll actually show up there. Walk every morning with a neighbor. Make calls to friends before shopping for food. Join a new class. Just tell someone—or even better—as many people as possible that you are emerging. Soon you will believe there’s little to fear and lots to gain.
  3. Structure your days and weeks—in other words, plan. Think that’s a boring idea? No so fast! A huge challenge during this Covid time was the major suspension of our daily practices, underscored by understandable fear. So, now, restructuring your time will give you a sense of control and direct you to focus on what’s required in terms of time and energy to achieve the new you.
  4. Get Outside! I cannot emphasize what a big deal this is. One Covid gift was to remind us all we are animals and not meant to live inside away from nature. The impact of time spent with Mother Nature is huge on both the brain and the body. Believe me.
  5. Be easy on yourself. And push yourself. Yes, both impulses are needed here. Acknowledge all the stress and anxiety we’ve endured. And then realize that you are stronger for making it through. Which impulse will predominate for you going forward?

Hints for Getting Back on Track

2 Cents:

For some of us, of us, this unprecedented time turned into a compelling self-care permission to focus on our physical and emotional needs.

For others of us, the stress totally highjacked our instincts to move around and work out.

The good news is there are new pathways that help restore our sense of self: more online classes than ever; health instruction at your fingertips; more engagement with friends and family.

By all means, learn from this pandemic experience. But, however you’ve managed to navigate through Covid-19, don’t allow it to further damage your health and self esteem. Support is out there for you. Just ask for it. And Get Vaccinated!