Hi there campers –

In these times of great change, many people are re-assessing the big questions – What gives me purpose? How am I really spending my time? Who serves the best pizza? Ha!

The mind & the body & the mind & the body – where to draw a line of separation!? For me there is none.

Time Fitness and Accountability

I spend a lot of time pondering what makes someone rise up & create a life that thrives, not merely survives. But how to create concrete success from such a nebulous set of assumptions?

What would you think, if I suggested that knowing where you are in relation to the time of day – could be a predictor to success?

And by success, I mean all kinds – financial, emotional, and for us here, most especially – fitness.

Time and Fitness

I bring in the term accountability.

Managing your time, understanding how long things take, and also how long it may take you to perform, act on and then conquer? Knowing where you are in the day, knowing how much energy you may have or not for the tasks ahead, these are not small things. In fact I would say that without them, fitness & growth become a random (lets hope this works?!?!), kind of thing.

For example, the biggest excuse I hear most in the world of “I want to get more fit, or I want to change my body inside or out?” followed by this phrase … “but I don’t have enough time”.

2 Cents:

It’s the internal questions that can create a high level of fitness besides a trainer or gym membership. Being consistent, caring about your body as a priority, not fearing to push yourself, asking for help & support when needed, committing, these are some of the real issues to work on. Questions to help with this skill.

  1. Do you wake up on your own refreshed? (Can be a measure of your ability to truly rest & recover).1.
  2. Do you often find yourself overwhelmed & not know why? (Time management).
  3. Can you say with reasonable certainty how much exercise you get weekly? (Awareness).
  4. Can you recall when the last time you asked for help was? About anything? (Open & Willing)
  5. Is how you start your day consistent? (Daily practices can set the tone for the whole day).

A huge way to start to claim your time, & be able to consciously prioritize…is to track your time & how you spend it for 3 days. Separate the categories into sleep, self care, income producing, and others that are relevant to your lifestyle. (Travel, child care, reading, watching netflix, social media scrolling, shopping- these are some examples). As Woody Allen says “ Showing Up is 90 %”.

And if you don’t know where you actually show up NOW, you can’t see where or how to shift.