Wanna live forever? Okay, how many of you out there said YES!?

If you did, perhaps these two exercise options can help you achieve an impressive fitness level without the hours and expense of gyms, personal trainers, FitBits, etc. Sounds good, right?

Improving fitness is about pushing an edge, pushing your limits sometimes. The part that is challenging to believe is that just a few minutes a day of vigorous activity can make big changes in endurance and strength. And it doesn’t require hours and hours of sweat and toil in the gym to fit into the latest Lululemon pantsI! Instead, fitness can be developed in a number of other ways. Ask yourself these baseline questions: how many stairs can you climb? how long or far can you walk?; can you charge up hills without feeling you are going to die?! Armed with this self -assessment, you can follow an exercise program that’s right for you. And I have a couple suggestions for you to consider. What makes these two exercises I’m about to reveal to you such compelling choices is that you use your own body and your own body weight.

So what am I strongly promoting?

Burpees and Jumping Rope! It takes a short time to learn the techniques for each one; then you’re off to the races!

The following article sparked this conversation. Read it and see what you think. And by all means check out the video:


2 Cents:

Yeah, I know—the right clothes, and the personal trainer, and the expensive gym membership, and the vegetarian food, and three hours a week working out with weight training. If any or all of these are parts of your fitness practice, well yahoo for you! More power to you—you are approaching rock star status.

For the rest of us working at changing patterns and lifestyle stuff, it is the small but very consistent daily choices that can propel you steadily forward to better health as well as greater fitness. Give these two exercises a try for three days in a row and let me know how you feel!