Wow, I mean, Come On! —Who doesn’t like the taste of ice cream, especially on a hot day! I clearly remember the magical sound of the ice cream truck as it came around into our neighborhood after dinner (yes, I am that old … and around here you have to try to catch Lewis’s Ice Cream truck when it drives to Truro beaches in the summer…).

As we head into summer, our thoughts can’t help but turn to soothing, sweet ice cream. Given as a treat when we were growing up, it was certainly a reward through lots of childhoods. But can we somehow cling to the notion of ice cream as a healthy food choice?

Well, maybe a little bit once and awhile … at least that’s what I’m thinking …

As it happens, ice cream actually offers beneficial things nutritionally (which is why it’s often used to sooth both children and adults):

1. It Stimulates the Brain
“Ice cream stimulates the thrombotonin, which is a hormone of happiness. It also helps reduce the levels of stress in the body. Ice cream is made of milk, which contains L-triptophane, a natural tranquilizer that helps relax the nervous system. It can also make you sleepy and help mitigate symptoms of insomnia.

2. Furthermore, as a milk product, it provides calcium, phosphorus, vitamins, and minerals.

3. If you want to rock the true experience, consider making your own ice cream at home. 

4.  If you are a true ice cream lover that wants to choose the “healthiest brand out there”, you must read this article :

2 Cents:

Ice cream is high in sugar and is basically filled with carbohydrates. So if weight loss is a goal, how does a ½-cup a couple of times a week sound?

In my opinion, if you are going to indulge in ice cream, get the good stuff. Read the label and get a product with pure ingredients. That means without the additives that come from—for example—licorice ice cream with M & Ms! The goal is not to demonize any particular food, but to start to notice if it’s your heart or your body that craves it. Then, when you figure it out, consume in moderation, pals! That’s always the rule. And for goodness sake, savor and enjoy. Send us your happy face!