Your Mother was Right!

Your Mother was Right!

Why You Should Eat Your Broccoli, Plus a Delicious Recipe To Get You Started President George H.W. Bush was famous for exclaiming in 1990:  “I do not like broccoli, and I haven’t liked it since I was a little kid, and my mother made me eat it, and...
Nine Hard Truths About Weight Loss

Nine Hard Truths About Weight Loss

Can it sometimes feel as though you’re climbing a mountain when you are looking at weight loss as a goal? Absolutely! And it’s not all in your head. It can be challenging emotionally, physically, and mentally to successfully lose weight—and keep it off. And unless you...
More Fat, Anyone?  Would You Believe?

More Fat, Anyone? Would You Believe?

For all you people out there believing conspiracy theories, you are gonna love this one! Remember when Captain Crunch or CoCo Puffs cereals were touted as the best breakfast choice for kids? Well, if you do, you may have been brainwashed—along with many of us—into...
Who Needs to Be Challenged

Who Needs to Be Challenged

How will a fitness challenge help you? Momentum: The most difficult part of changing your relationship with exercise and developing a healthy life is creating momentum.  If you’ve been overwhelmed with life or ambivalent about beginning a fitness regimen this will...
If you Practice Only One Thing, Let it be This!

If you Practice Only One Thing, Let it be This!

Imagine these scenarios: You’re walking up the stairs with groceries in both arms and the dog jumps up to greet you. You step off a curb onto a patch of ice. You’re tired, you drop your phone bend over to pick it up. Falls are the leading cause of visits to the...
Becky Loses 70 Pounds!

Becky Loses 70 Pounds!

The longer I work with people, the more I realize we all have success stories, things or events that we’ve overcome or worked through. I heard about Becky from a mutual friend, and while we’ve not yet met in real life, we have had the chance to talk.  Even though...
Nuts, and I Mean NUTS!

Nuts, and I Mean NUTS!

As the world went low fat, nuts really started to catch a bad reputation when in fact the truth is quite the opposite.  Nuts and seeds, eaten in moderation, are an excellent option out there to help people create healthier food choices. Here are two of my favorite...
Thanksgiving Thoughts

Thanksgiving Thoughts

When Abraham Lincoln declared Thanksgiving a national holiday, it was thanks to the tireless efforts of Sarah Josepha Hale, a noted author and editor.  She is best known for writing the nursery rhyme, Mary had a Little Lamb. Thanksgiving marks the beginning of the...