So what food has 500 varieties from around the world, is great for your skin, lowers LDL cholesterol and boosts HDL, is gluten free, is high in fiber, and in Brazil is added to ice cream?
Spoiler Alert
Oh, never mind, I know you know—
Yes, indeed, it is the mighty avocado!

I’ll get back to the avocado in a bit, but meanwhile the familiar question remains: what are the best things for me to eat?

Being mindful about food frequently presents a real dilemma for many people. With so many choices, menus, diets, and advice to follow, it seems easier sometimes to just ignore all of it and eat cookies. Huh? You know I can’t really recommend that particular path.

I’m actually encouraged that so many people are trying to make positive food changes. It’s not always easy, that’s for sure.

In my business, I hear all the time “I know I shouldn’t eat” this or that … and putting excuses aside can be difficult. There’s no denying the struggle that comes with trying to eliminate unhealthy foods and to make significant changes.
If you are one of those people looking for ways to eat better, consider this: little by little, add a few nutrient-rich foods to your diet that have a shelf life of less than 72 hours. (We want fresh “clean” foods without preservatives.)

The avocado is one such food.

Click on this link to read 10 reasons why the avocado is such a great food choice:

2 Cents:

Did you know that, especially on the East Coast, sunlight (or the lack thereof), means it’s important to identify and consume healthy fats. As temperatures drop in the winter, our bodies begin to crave more fat—and in fact need a little more fat.
But potato chips? French fries? Really?

These are the easy “go-tos” that can temporarily quell hunger but contribute nothing by way of nutrition. Good healthy fats sometimes require some planning to identify and incorporate into meals. That’s where avocados come in. Keep a few on hand for an easy-to-fix addition to all kinds of meals.

If you are trying to lose weight, keep an eye on serving size. One avocado has 60 grams of fat (healthy fat!) and needs to be balanced with the other things on your plate. That said, eating avocados should decrease hunger—they are very satisfying—and counter such weird food cravings as entire pizzas for one.