When Abraham Lincoln declared Thanksgiving a national holiday, it was thanks to the tireless efforts of Sarah Josepha Hale, a noted author and editor.  She is best known for writing the nursery rhyme, Mary had a Little Lamb.

Thanksgiving marks the beginning of the holiday season, a time when many people struggle to maintain healthy eating habits.  Here’s a breakdown for a typical Thanksgiving meal:


Turkey (dark meat with skin): Serving size: Two – three slices (8 oz.), Calories: 430

Stuffing: Serving size: 1 cup, Calories: 320

Green bean casserole: Serving size: 1 serving, Calories: 160

Mashed potatoes and gravy: Serving size: 1 cup + 1/4 cup of gravy, Calories: 240 + 205 (445 total)

Cranberry sauce: Serving size: 1 slice, Calories: 85

Cornbread: Serving size: 1 piece, Calories: 175

Sweet potatoes with marshmallows: Serving size: 1 heaping scoop, Calories: 610

White wine: Serving size: 1 glass, Calories: 120

Pecan pie: Serving size: 1 slice, Calories: 505

Pumpkin pie: Serving size: 1 slice, Calories: 320

Total Calories: 3,170

2 Cents:

In addition to sustaining us physically, food has symbolism and emotional connections.  Holidays bring with them traditions and celebrations, all centered around food.  It can be difficult not to overindulge, especially if you’re an emotional eater.

Here are some hints to help you get through this holiday season with your waistline intact:

  1. HYDRATE:  Drink 2 glasses of water the morning of as soon as you get up- it will jump start your metabolism.
  2. Eat a clean protein, such as an egg, for breakfast – it will help you to feel more full throughout the day.
  3. Go for an after dinner walk.
  4. Give yourself permission to eat differently for that day, and acknowledge that it’s an exception, not a new way of  life!

Most important, honor your food.  Whether or not you typically say Grace before eating, take a moment and create your own version of why you appreciate the food, the companionship, and the celebration before you enjoy your meal.  Pause, breathe, and be thankful.

Here’s a link to The Science Behind Gratitude (And How it Can Change Your Life)– some food for thought! http://www.happify.com/hd/the-science-behind-gratitude/