From the article:
Four Gentle Yoga Poses, by Maggie Finn Ryan

“We all know that chronic stress can do a number on our bodies because it causes our hormones—specifically, adrenaline and cortisol—to go haywire. Among other not-so-fun symptoms, too much cortisol can cause weight gain and suppress the immune system. But never fear: Yoga might help keep these hormones in check.

Research from the Myrna Brind Center of Integrative Medicine at Jefferson, along with the Yoga Research Society, showed that a one-hour yoga class can lower blood cortisol levels in healthy beginners. But total newbies weren’t the only ones to reap the benefits: the research showed that after seven consecutive days of practice, the one-hour yoga class still significantly lowered participants’ blood cortisol levels.”

“When you’re traveling.. Lose the mat and toss in a set of Yoga-Paws instead. The Hands-down winner.” ~Health Magazine, Editors Pick

The Secret of Happiness – By Rebecca Pacheco 

In other words, happiness is a skill and practice. Happier people do not have easier lives, with less hard work, grief, divorce, or financial strain than the rest of us. They’re simply more grateful for what they have and choose to be conscious of their contentment more often.

2 Cents:

If you can find the right yoga teacher (essential!), and the type yoga practice that doesn’t drive you crazy (and there is a wide variety!), taking up yoga can be one of the most impactful practices on the planet.

If you are into weight loss, often what no one tells you is that you are battling your hormones, which are like the specific matrix in each of us. A yoga practice is a non-prescriptive way to level out your hormones. And the best part is that it doesn’t require a PHD, or a lot of effort, or a ton of $$. The practice of yoga allows the body to integrate with the spirit, and that mindfulness will actually allow you to resist reacting to craziness with more craziness. It can be a natural Valium in the moment, but—happily—also in the big picture.

Denise Gaylord
Personal Trainer & Challenge Coach
Provincetown USA