I’m betting that you—and just about everyone I can think of—want to develop arms that look really toned and don’t sag? Instead of the arms you sometimes see—and feel—while waving good-bye to people leaving you on a train/plane/car?  Sure, you want to make changes … and you’re far from alone.

But how the heck does Flabby Arms Syndrome (FAS) happen?

Well, if you are a woman, the additional fat stored in your arms may actually be thanks to hormones … that’s just our reality … so, yippee and yahoo!  But, wait! … Not so fast!  … Below you’ll find some tips to get you on track to great-looking arms.

Here’s an action plan to push back against FAS:

* Make it a goal to work at lowering your overall body fat, mostly by moving a lot throughout your day. Losing weight will result in more muscle definition. And you will notice that yourself, as the fat layer shrinks away and the muscles becomes more visible.

* Tech products such “FitBit and an array others can be excellent tools in your efforts to combat FAS. The great thing is that these devices keep us honest, because they track not only how much we actually move, but also how much we think we move! I strongly recommend you use a tracker (the iPhone 6 comes with its own). By the way, 10,000 steps a day of any combined activity is the current standard for effective weight loss.

In the meantime, while you’re working on your 10,000 daily steps, here are three different exercises that can help build arm muscles, either on your own or in the gym:

  1. Kettle Bell (be sure to get instructions on the proper technique)
  2. Triceps Push-ups- (using body weight or free weights )
  3. Bicep Curls – (Using Bands or free weights )

2 Cents:

We all naturally want to feel stronger and more toned. That’s not—by the way—the same as “losing weight,” although the two frequently go hand in hand. Now in order to make these changes happen, here are two basic principles to keep in mind:

  1. In any kind of weight training, you basically need to work hard enough to make your muscles tired. Which is another way of saying that you must stress these muscles by using either your body weight, free weights, or weight machines. Each method is as good as the other. You do not need heavy weights to accomplish your goals, and you do need to make the muscles challenged by using them. Individual bodies will react faster than others.
  2. Pay attention to the quality of the food you eat daily. It really matters when you’re trying to build muscle. I urge you to consume “Clean Foods,” by which I mean food that’s grown in the ground, on a tree, or from plants. And, if you like, include animal protein. With all Clean Foods, the least processing the better.

Denise Gaylord
Personal Trainer & Challenge Coach
Provincetown USA