So many things contribute to overall health and laughter is certainly one of them.
If you are looking for a path to weight loss, i usually see true change when people’s lives  are in balance and can also laugh easily.

Need proof? Don’t just take my word for it—here are some facts for “fact seekers.”
Findings from the Mayo Clinic:

  • Laughter improves your immune system. Negative thoughts manifest into chemical reactions that can affect your body by bringing more stress into your system and decreasing your immunity. In contrast, positive thoughts can actually release neuropeptides that help fight stress and potentially more serious illnesses.
  • Laughter may ease pain by causing the body to produce its own natural painkillers.Laughter relieves pain
  • Laughter can also make it easier to cope with difficult situations. It also helps you connect with other people.Laughter increases personal satisfaction
  • Laughter improves your mood. Many people experience depression, sometimes due to chronic illnesses. Laughter can help lessen your depression and anxiety and may make you feel happier.

Deepak Chopra says, “the healthiest response to life is laughter.”

So let’s get started with a few jokes:

Q: What did the duck say when he bought lipstick?
A: “Put it on my bill.”
Q: What did the zero (0) say to the eight (8)?
A:  Nice belt!
Q:  A piece of fried chicken walked into a bar and asked for a drink.
A:  The bartender said “Sorry, we don’t serve food here.”

2 Cents:

First, thanks to Ellen and Ruth for their joke offerings!

And if the Dalai Lama were here I would respectfully tap his immense wisdom. I would ask him, how does one mindfully turn to laughter in response to life’s most difficult challenges? Because what I notice in myself and in others is that we can survive—with the help of humor—incredibly rough situations. As a result of our pushing back with laughter, life can look quite different, as our priorities themselves seem to shift. How can we keep the importance of our precious limited time consistently uppermost and present in our thinking, while at the same time “wearing it lightly”?  In doing so, it’s likely that any future tough stuff will more easily roll off our backs …

Well, a priest and a rabbi went into a bar …

Denise Gaylord
Personal Trainer & Challenge Coach
Provincetown USA